A small fragment of the Eneas Perdomo´s song entitled Motivos Llaneros is the guiding thread of the work. This melody is disintegrated in its slightest expression and, through various compositional processes of addition and subtraction, it forms the key material with which the musical discourse is constructed.
Structured in three long sections, the work develops this material in the opposite direction: it begins with the isolated material and ends with the intertextual quotation of said melody.
The timbral aspect of the instrument is extensively explored since it uses harmonics, multiphonics, false fingering and notes in extreme register, among others.
Plena for solo flute has won the first price in the 1º Composition Contest for 2013 Flute, Homage to Lars Nilsson (Córdoba, Argentina).
It was performed at the concert cycle Experimentalia at Centro Cultural España Córdoba (Cultural Centre), by the flutist Alejandro Pittis in 2013 in Córdoba, Argentina.